
Information for this page is provided by H.O.A. Membership Chairpersons, Lou Ann Rishel & Barb Clark. You may contact Lou Ann at 422-9489 or Barb at 421-2787 or email by clicking on their name.


Goods News ! ! !




The H.O.A. Membership has reached the 301 mark.  As of April 25, we have 194 Designated Voters; 95 Regular Members; and 12 Associates.


If you are new in Plantation Landings, we will be visiting you.
A copy of the Plantation Landings H.O.A. Bylaws is available to all H.O.A. members. If any member wants one, just call one of us and we will drop a copy by to you.
Thank you!
Lou Ann Rishel & Barb Clark



Why Join?

Join the Homeowners Association and know what is happening in your community. Attend the monthly Board and H.O.A. Meetings. Meet your Board of Directors and Officers.
Take advantage of the bonus to all members. You will receive A $1.00 discount on any ticket you buy for Social or Ways and Means events. Membership is $10.00 per person. There is one designated voter per unit. Have a vote in what is happening in your community.
Non home owners, renters, etc. Join the H.O.A. as Associate Members. Attend meetings and receive the $1.00 discount on all events. Associate Members do not have voting privileges