If you have a concern about our park or individual remarks that you want to see voiced on this page...please
email your letter to jsum@tampabay.rr.com .
Thank you!
From the Polk County Sheriff's Web Page. (4/16)
Question: When I am on vacation, could someone come
by my house and check on it? Answer: Yes. Call
the Sheriff’s Office non-emergency number at 863-298-6200
and ask the Sheriff’s Office member to fill out a patrol request for your home.
February 2, 2012 (Received 4/7)
Dear Home Owners
Subject: How to get a better return on Assets
If we contact the many investment advisors in several
investment companies explaining our $25,000 legal reserve fund. I think a short term investment grade bond fund would most
often be advised. TROE Price has a short term investment grade bond fund that has the following advantages:
1 Over several years they have earned an average
interest of 4 to 5%.
2 Interest is paid quarterly.
3 You can get your money out if you need it.
4 You can add to the fund.
5 There is minimal fluctuation in net asset value.
6 The bonds are invested in companies with the
high credit rating.
7 All of the bonds mature in 3 years or less.
8 There are no sales charges to buy or sell the
9 The fund net asset value tends to be stable.
Last February, I suggested we form a committee.
I am still waiting. We are not only loosing money on interest, the inflation rate for 2011 was 3.6%.
I asked Ray Pratt today what was the reason the
directors gave for turning down my suggestion. He said it was the economy. In the past Ray was very supportive of the suggestion
but could get no other board members to agree to form a committee. No one on the board felt qualified to be a committee member.
Over the past 15 years we have lost an estimated $14,000 in interest.
To get complete information on the T Rowe Price
Short Term Bond Fund PRWBX go to TROWE PRICE and look it up. I am sure no one on the board did.
Donald R Hawkins Management and Engineering
Consultant -BSIE,MSIE,MBA
Email Hawk4174@aol.com
Phone 863 422 8735
April 7, 2012
I have been living in Plantation Landings for 9+
years, I have been living in Florida for 60 years. Many of you came to Florida
for the warm winters and many for the beautiful palm trees. My father owned a
landscape and tree trimming business in Miami, where as a teen I worked many long tired hours for him.
I have to say it disappoints me to see trees trimmed
with only a couple palm fronds pointing toward the sky. Did everyone forget how
beautiful the palm tree is. I am unable to imagine a maple or elm tree trimmed
with only a couple of branches at the top and trash hanging down. I am sorry if anyone is insulted by this, but I must state
how I feel. I still love the true palm.
John Reynolds
all of our friends and neighbors at Plantation Landings,
is sometimes a bittersweet situation that comes into your life that you must deal with. Walt and I just want you all to know
how much you have been loved and will be missed when we leave. Hopefully one day we will be able to come back to P.L. and
enjoy this park once again! Until then we will be enjoying being close to our children and grandson and future grandchildren.
Our daughter is expecting again the end of September…she’s on a roll now…lol. Anyways, thank you for all
the wonderful times that we have been able to be a part of and to all of our very dear friends, thank you for being there
for us through the difficult times as well! As for our Chapel by the Lake family…we will never ever be able to tell
you how much you have meant to us! God certainly placed us here for a reason and we are so grateful to Him!
love you all!
Maple Crest Drive
April 2, 2012
To all Plantation Landings residents, I also want to let neighbors
know, that I do believe gas has been taken out of my gas tank also. This is really sad, to think people are doing this sort
of thing. What will they take next? Guess we all need to sleep in our yards to keep what we work so hard for safe.
Darlene Godfrey 74 O'Hara Dr
To my neighbors
We have some one snooping around our homes between 1am &
5am. How I know is we had damp finger prints on the truck topper lid this morning . Who ever it is had fingers about my size
not like Dans.They had to come by after the fog started and gone before Dan got up. The topper was locked so nothing is missing
and gas reads were it should be. We all need to keep a watch out for each other.
Dora Scherzer
221 Dixie Circle
3/9/2012 I have a hard time believing that
the residents of PL only considered the monetary part of this decision when voting. We live in a state where recycling
should be the most important issue of all! I'm not sure about everyone else but I voted during the season when
many "seasonal" residents were here. PL is starting to have more full time residents and I being one of them feel it
is important to all residents both seasonal & full time to have a say in what is done in our park. We truly have a beautiful
place in which to live, however if we don't get more involved in finding solutions & working together instead of
only criticizing, then our park will only continue to deteriorate. There seems to be plenty of people ready & willing
to pick apart & complain about EVERYTHING but when it comes to actually doing something that would benefit the entire
park there is only a select few willing to give up their time. A big "Thank You" to all who give of their time for the
benefit of the Plantation Landings residents. Yvonne Sheffield 110 O'Hara Dr
On Monday, March 5th I called the trash removal service
for our park. I asked about a refrigerator we needed to dispose of. I was told that we should put it out on Friday March
9th and it would be picked up by a special truck they send around.
Friday we put the item by the trash can and we were left a
note from the trash people that we had to call to make an appointment. Since I did already have an appointment I
did as asked and called again. I was assured that we were on the list and that the item would be picked up by 6:30 pm.
It is now Saturday morning and the item is still at the end of our driveway. I have called the trash company but they
are closed today.
Although I am not happy about the once a week pick up
we will be getting, I will live with it. My only concern is if people have large items to get rid of and they are
not picked up when scheduled...what will the park look like with all those items sitting there until picked up if not the
same day? I would hope that our Board would negotiate this problem before it gets out of hand.
Joan L Turcotte
231 Dixie Circle